Persistence for the Mlm Professional- By: Zebda Horatio

Description : Persistence for the Network marketing Professional.

Persistence, now this is a frequently used word, largely as it is the underlying bottom of both failure and success. Without it success is mostly impossible.

It is absorbing that only 5% of people at age 65, after 40+ years in the working world, are financially autonomous.

Now it would be slightly silly to presume the individuals comprising this 95% set out at age 20 with the goal to flounder. If interviewed they were seemingly confident they would enjoy a life brimming with success, fame and fortune. So why did such a huge majority not acquire the dreams, goals and aspirations they desired in their youth?

Lack of persistence is at the root of failure. Performance is not determined simply in terms of economic wealth, as each person starting their journey will have a different definition, yet Og Mandino describes failure as "the inability of man to reach his goals in life whatever they may be."

So why, as people do we find it so painful to persist? Why do we struggle to continue on our journey when all the indicators reveal we are travelling the wrong roadway?

There is in fact only one answer, we are our own worst enemies and defeat ourselves with our negative self talk; through perpetually reminding ourselves of our preceding failures, unfavourably measuring our weaknesses to others strengths, and constantly doubting our individual talent, can in the end wear down the resistance of even the hardiest of souls.

So as a Mlm professional, somebody focused on establishing and developing massive distribution channels, how best do we deal with the failures along the way and continue our journey?

It may seem somewhat simplistic, but if we can condition ourselves with 2 positive habits, we will effectively heighten our expectation of smashing right through the hidden barrier surrounding our particular definitions of achievement.

So what are these 2 habits?

1. An absolute crystal clear understanding of what it is we are seeking to acquire. We should maintain our eyes, senses and attention fixed on this objective, no matter what obstacles and distractions cross our path.

2. Affirmations (oftentimes referred to as Mantras). Through purposefully conditioning our particular minds with the spirit and habits we wish to instil and possesses, will by definition, eliminate our minds from dwelling on the negative. Mercifully we cannot think negative and positive thoughts concurrently, so through focusing our awareness persistently on the positive, we are well on the way to enjoying the attainment we desire

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Author Resource : This article on Persistence is by Bob White.Bob White is a successful Networker ranking in the top 1.5% of distributors in his primary business,To learn his method and techniques visit A Route To Wealth